buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title A Special Thank You to Our Most Valued Customer! style.css header class hero div class hero-content h1 A Special Thank You to Our Most Valued Customer! div class hero-image svg viewBox 0 0 100 50 preserveAspectRatio none path fill #fff d M30 5 L70 5 Q85 5 85 20 L85 30 Q85 45 70 45 L30 45 Q15 45 15 30 L15 20 Q15 5 30 5 main section class message div class container h2 A Note from Justin div class message-content img src  alt Justin's portrait div class text p Dear Valued Customer, p We're thrilled you chose our UltraBook Pro X12! Its OLED display and 18-hour battery make it perfect for creative professionals like you. Your trust means everything to us. p As a token of our appreciation, enjoy the special gift below! section class spotlight div class container h2 Our Valued Customer div class testimonial blockquote "This company exceeded all expectations! The personalized service made me feel truly appreciated." p – Happy Customer section class gift div class container h2 A Small Token of Our Gratitude div class gift-card p Enjoy 20% Off Your Next Purchase! div class coupon CODE: THANKYOU20 p Simply enter this code at checkout. section class connect div class container h2 We're Here for You! div class contact-info p 📞 1-800-TECH-LOVE p 📧 div class social-links a href # aria-label Twitter svg viewBox 0 0 24 24